
Type: Video Game  

Genre: Animated, Female Protagonist, Sidescroller, Gentle, Lesdom, Loli

Language: English  

File Size: 120 MB

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This is a dungeon crawling game, with no story whatsoever. You play as a female protagonist and initiate all the sex scenes too. Dominating your opponents after you defeat them will give you energy, which is desperately needed on harder difficulties.

The goal is simple, navigate through randomly 10 randomly generated floors to win. Unlock unique power-ups by beating bosses and clearing each level.

Comes with a fully unlocked gallery!

Pro tip: The game doesn’t really do a good job of explaining how to initiate sex scenes, so I’ll explain how to do it! Once you down an enemy, go up to them and press the “R” key.

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2 years ago

when i saw female protagonist i wanted to cry

Reply to  dasdasdsdadsa
2 years ago

Dude, same. If it’s a female protag it doesn’t even feel like femdom anymore, you know what I mean?

Reply to  dasdasdsdadsa
2 years ago

yeah nothing against the game, it’s good, but wish there was a reverse mode where you play as the male mobs or something

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  dasdasdsdadsa
2 years ago

Agreed. I wish this game had a male protag and the monsters were femdommy women <3

Hey Sport. It's Dad! Get off the computer and go to bed.
Hey Sport. It's Dad! Get off the computer and go to bed.
Reply to  dasdasdsdadsa
2 years ago

Hey Sport, maybe you should try and be open to new things. How do you think I met your mother?

2 years ago

Still trying to find someone in femdom that likes female protag, kinda ruins the purpose of femdom.

Reply to  nogard
2 years ago

You know… women probably enjoy it…

Just a guuy
Just a guuy
Reply to  Zzz
2 years ago

Most woman I’ve met are more submissive which makes me sad.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Just a guuy
2 years ago

So true. I wish more women took after Lilith.

Reply to  Just a guuy
2 years ago

It is really sad. I know it’s the current year and we like to pretend men and women are identical, but the unfortunate truth is that 99+% of women are super submissive and really aren’t comfortable being sexually dominant. Even if you were to find a girl that was willing to fulfill your femdom fantasies, she would be doing it for your sake, not hers; which is something that’s pretty depressing to me. I can’t get into it if they don’t really enjoy it themselves. That’s why femdom in porn is appealing… like most porn, it’s a fantasy, disconnected from the uncomfortable things in reality.

Bearing that in mind, yes, making a femdom game with a female protagonist is strange, and akin to making an otome game with a male protagonist.

Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

I’m sorry but I think more women watch yaoi because of the expression the sub guy getting pound. I think women like to watch S&M stuff but they don’t like to do it in real life

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Anooooo
2 years ago

That makes a lot of sense. You should post that around and see what others think about that.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

Agreed. It is so sad that the ratio of women conditioned to be sub to domme is so lopsided. Dominant women are such treasures that we need many more of. If I had it my way, the roles would be reversed by default <3

Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

got some news to break, 99% of women aren’t submissive, way closer to a 80/20. I’ve never had an issue finding a dom for me. However 1 very important thing I’ve noticed, most people are submissive regardless of gender. also why are so many people complaining about a female protag? just don’t play and move on if its a deal breaker.

Reply to  Rin
2 years ago

This is your brain on Reddit.

Reply to  Zzz
2 years ago

You watch too much porn if you think women enjoy femdom.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Idk what you are talking about. Someone needs to join Fetlife lmao.

Your Mother
Your Mother
Reply to  Succubus Hunter
2 years ago

t. does not interact with women in real life

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Your Mother
2 years ago

Your Mother sounds like an armchair psychologist lol.

2 years ago

Look at me. Look at me.
I am the Dom now

2 years ago


Thanks in advance ghost.jpg
Kenny The Gigachad
Kenny The Gigachad
Reply to  Sora
2 years ago


Reply to  Kenny The Gigachad
2 years ago

Since it didn’t get approved yet, here you go, a screenshot of the link. Lmao.

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Love lesdom. Thanks for the game

2 years ago

I actually love to see games with lesbian domination, I wish there were more games with that theme.

Reply to  Nickname
2 years ago

most side scrollers have lesbian domination

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Thank you for another masterpiece! BEST SITE EVER!

Last edited 2 years ago by Romulo
Reply to  Romulo
2 years ago

   There was once a blind man who had so fine a sense of touch that, 
when any animal was put into his hands, he could tell what it was merely by 
the feel of it. One day the cub of a wolf was put into his hands, and he was asked

Reply to  hep96888
2 years ago

He was asked what?

2 years ago

Final boss is missing in the gallery

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Interesting visual style. The gameplay is simple, with a couple of more or less interesting mechanics. Although what am I talking about? The main attraction here is the gallery. There aren’t many options, you can only change the main character. And finally we have a girl protagonist, you don’t often see this in “these” games +rep

2 years ago

When I start the game it shows an error – “The program can’t start because MSVCR110.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem”

Reply to  TeamLoad
2 years ago


Reply to  TeamLoad
2 years ago

Same with MSVCR120 and 140

Reply to  TeamLoad
2 years ago

MSVCR110.dll is from Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679)MSVCR120.dll is from Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013(https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784)
MSVCR140.dll is from the 2015-2022 version (x86: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x86.exe, x64: https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe)

Reply to  TeamLoad
2 years ago

Desactivate your antivirus (whether it is Windows Defender or another app, it doesn’t mater) and install it like that, you should always desactivate your antivirus when installing games, especially cracked ones, because it detects them as virus and deletes some files of it

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

Hey Hemdom you should check out that game Sucubus academia I’m sure everyone on this site would love it

2 years ago
Overall Rating :

With every card I get, I grow stronger.
I fire bullets in a three shot spread, five bullets to each direction. They’re all the size of footballs at least, fire as fast as I’m able to click, and if all of them hit I can out-damage the very final boss of the game.
You cannot comprehend my power.

Character controls a little floaty though, and I never found a reason to use my special when I was the character who summoned the knives.

2 years ago

Oh my god. Yes! A female protag, absolutely love it.

Quite Frankly
Quite Frankly
2 years ago

since women don’t enjoy sex they also dont enjoy sex roleplay.
They like feed the doggies and kitties.

Quite Frankly
Quite Frankly
2 years ago

and woof woof, bark bark if you forgot somehow

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