Type: Manga
Genre: Monster girl (Harpy), Threesome, Bondage, Domination loss
Language: English
Pages: 21
File Size: 15 MB
In this world, criminals are not sent to jail. Instead, they are sacrificed to the harpies on the mountain top. The sacrifice of evil souls keeps them calm, protecting the villages below. The focus of this doujin is on a very bad criminal who not only loves bloodshed but has a cursed fetish called maledom. Villagers put him in bondage, and leave him up at the top of the mountain. Nobody has ever come out alive, will he be one of the first? Will the power of maledom beat the female harpies?
NOTE: The first couple of pages features flashbacks of the protagonist practising maledom. HOWEVER, the harpies make sure he is punished for this horrendous sin!
More stories where ‘dominant males’ get put in their place by superior females, please.
30 times in 10 years?
You’d think that at some point someone would notice.
*Gasp * The forbidden tag… Despite being a disciple of the path of femdom I am morbidly curious to see what these pages hold…
dont worry its the man who gets dom lossed
great, this site is getting filled with ugly bastards and domination loss now
So you’re into little boys getting kidnapped and raped?
Lemme make a call…
I mean if you consider that every male that isn’t underaged is an ugly bastard I think that the FBI call is going to backfire for you.
Honestly I would just like dominant adult atractive female(s) has sex with adult atractive male (although I understand that UB should be allowed as long as it isn’t domination loss) , I understand cool’s complaint this page forgets that is supposed to be about femdom sometimes
you tried to make the op to be the pedo yet it turned out to be you LOL
Wanting to stop exploitation and actual rape is admirable and needed. But if you want to stop it, you first need to understand what *actually* causes it.
If fantasy led to action, we’d see a plethora of women wanting to get raped because they have rape fantasies. As that clearly isn’t the case, we need to avoid the scapegoat trap where shiny socially transgressive interests and fantasies are blamed because they are easier to address than the deep rooted factors that actually lead to exploitation.
I get having that kind of reaction to the domination loss tag (since it usually indicates a work starts femdom and becomes maledom), but this isn’t a normal example. The harpy lets the man think he’s in control for a bit, and then yanks the rug out from under him. The domination being lost is the man’s, and tbh he never truly had it in the first place.