Girl Beats Hero [Version 0.2.9]

Type: Video Game  

Genre: Animated, Fighting, Trampling, Ball Busting, Ryona

Language: English (and Japanese)

File Size: 1.2 GB

Click here if your game isn’t working  

A brave hero who, with his power to disable magic, defeated the demon king Satan. Afterwards, the world’s remaining demons became scarce in number, their power dwindling. Set on finishing the job, our brave hero continues his journey… Will he be successful? As you can tell by the title, he ran into trouble!

The game starts in Japanese. To play in English, go to settings (3rd option from main menu) and switch from Japanese to English.

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4 years ago

There is a new update, mind uploading that?

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

Seconded this. We are currently on version 3.0A. Boko also mentioned working on another update as well that is TBD.
Reply to  Anon
11 months ago

Do you know if this page will update this game, or is it already in its latest version? because I think it already has the “girls beat hero 2” and it is already releasing the 3 and I would like to know if this page will publish them too

3 years ago

@hemdom you shoud consider changing the images, as they are from a different game (ultimate fighting girl)

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

Agreed. As a heads up though, these are from the actual image set the dev chose to advertise the game.

3 years ago

there’s a new update for this game
i hope you’ll update this game

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

Seconded this.

4 years ago

Is it really possible to win a battle? What are the patterns that the girls follow? None of them makes sense to me.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Asehpe
3 years ago

The patterns vary videly. Some of them are turn based, while others are based on body language. I suggest looking up a cheat-sheet online for a detailed list.

Reply to  Asehpe
3 years ago

alternatively there is also a .txt file in the game folder with some advise

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

That file was a saving grace. If not for that file I would have quit playing after going at it with just a few of the girls.

patrick hawes
patrick hawes
4 years ago

when can we expect an update release?

3 years ago

What is the source of the Screenshots ?
they aren’t from UFG 1 or 2 im confused , Is there a game with thoes ?

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Dude
3 years ago

They are from Boko’s other game, Ultimate Fighting Girl.

4 years ago

I can’t find any of the girls from the screenshots give. are they in the game?

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Redtack2009
3 years ago

They are girls from his Ultimate Fighter Girl (UFG) franchise.

4 years ago

I need a password to unzip it. What is it?

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

This is a short game with a fun plotline. I suggest reading the cheat sheet of the girls’ patterns unless you are a hardcore gamer… or masochist.

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

What is the strategy to defeat the final boss as of 3.0A? I leveled up to about 80 and relied on the biggest potion. I still don’t know what their patterns are.

Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

grinding to (near) max level (or just using the level setting item) and just overpowering her works fine without much strategy needed.
what i wonder: is this battle (and the location) the only new thing in this update or am i missing something?

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Nait
3 years ago

It’s the only new thing that I saw advertised with the latest update. I know Boko is working on another update with a priestess girl but that has yet to be released.

Reply to  Succubus Hunter
3 years ago

well, i asked since on his site are descriptions of girls that i’ve never encountered. for example Philine, the sister of mena the thief. also sefina, ritica… i feel like i’m missing something.

3 years ago

Sorry, I can’t find GBH 1 anywhere. Any leads? Could you upload it?

Succubus Hunter
Succubus Hunter
Reply to  Anon
3 years ago

I believe it’s on the developer’s official website for free.

1 year ago

Download link doesn’t work

Is there a new version of this game? Use our to let us know!