Type: Video Game
Genre: Shota, Gangbang, Multiple Orgasms, Reverse Rape
Language: Japanese
File Size: 500 MB
Experence battles from the perspective of a shonen sword fighter. All enemies are sexy women with animated movements. Ecchi attacks are animated as well. The swordplay of the protagonist is famously talented but, when it comes to sexy girls, he gets famously weak… they all know it!
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What’s the password
yeah i see but why is my pc is say open demo error and how do i fix that stuff
have you found a solution yet? 😮
you need change system local to japanese ..
view on google
what is password bro
it tells me “GameDemo Open error[CEx.demo] how can i fix it?
i keep having a game demo error
Hello, I have a problem with the installation error: GameDemo Open error [(Ex.demo], any help please?; -;
hello is there an English version?
thanks a lot
but how can I beat the giant girl?
To fix game demo error you need to run it with Locale Emulator.
what is password bro?
Problem #1(Game crashes immediately upon startup): This is an issue with the games files not being on the same drive as Direct Play, which would be on whatever drive your Operating System is installed on. Make sure you enabled Direct Play, look up how to do it if not sure how.
Problem #2:(Game demo error): Change system local to Japanese
i try to play the game and i cant and i have no clue how to make it japan language its comes up with a error normally
Anyone know how to beat the giant mantis girl? Honestly can’t figure that one out…
Believe me I had to spend nearly an hour to figure it out myself (since there was no guide online). The fight is actually simple let the mantis girl catch you when she is flashing. While your inside wait until she moans then escape. She will be on the floor vulnerable then you can hit her. Repeat three times then you win (let me know if you need more help). Hope this helps and have a fun time. 😉
Thank you, I was trying and I couldn’t XD
Anyone having trouble opening it try extracting from winrar or whatever to a downloads file on your computer
any one solved this problem “Game Demo Open “error [ex.Demo]” ???
I keep getting Demo error is there a solution to it?
why does it keep saying demo error? is there a solution to ?
Call me crazy, but I remember seeing a facesitting handjob attack from the college girl 2/Jean girl but now I don’t see it anywhere…is there a way to access that or anyone have a video of that?
Nvm im blind lol
What is the password?
so how does the level editing work??
I’m having a lot of trouble opening it. I tried downloading NTLEA, but I don’t know what to do from here. Any help?
Have you tried our video game troubleshooter? https://hemdomblog.com//p/faq.html
What is the password?
Thank u for sharing this game however, I am having the same problem as everyone else the game has an error when launching “Game Demo Open “error [ex.Demo]” please advise thank you
can someone tell me the password please?
I’m sorry, but what is the password I can’t find it.
what’s the password? i can’t figure it out
whats the password